Best Practices

Honouring Individuality

Honouring Individuality

The Rehabilitation Council of India has stated in their report that the educational program for a child with Special Needs must be based on the unique needs of the student; it must be individualized. We at SORAN KIDS couldn’t agree more and follow this methodology diligently in our work. We know and believe that the best part of each child is their own uniqueness. It is through their individuality will they be able to navigate life on their own terms.

Curated Content

The learning methods are Soran Kids are the best in class. We create courses that bring together technology,  modern methods and practical learning. Combining theory with practical experiences is a crucial part of learning for children.

The best part of our content is that it is especially curated after understanding the child’s growth,influences, behaviour and other factors. It is a continuous process of tailor making a program that works best for the student and caregivers.

Our collaborative approach includes creating an individualized plan that includes scientific analysis, the areas the child needs assistance among many other details. We also emphasize on the progress that students have made along the way to make sure you and the student are always encouraged.

Curated Content
Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning

It is said that experience is the best teacher. Science agrees too! Scientific evidence has shown that when interventions include areas of behaviour, social skills development and communication, the results are considerably better.

Thus, Soran Kids places prime importance to experiential learning to transform the lives of the students. Experiential learning aids in the development of motor functions, social development skills and shows connections.

To completely understand and train themselves, children need to go through steps of awareness, learning and change to mastery.

Holistic Approach

India is a fast developing country but it still lacks systems that would greatly benefit children with special needs. Most parents are completely reliant on the trainers to help their children, however there is an urgent requirement to build holistic practices and systems that work best for the overall growth of a child. Our trained staff is very passionate and focused on building that conducive environment for the children.

Holistic Approach


Children with special needs require access to the best facilities and schools. Creating a diverse culture in the education sector would enable them to be a part of the schools. It will help in giving meaning to their lives and empower them to be successful in life.


We are dedicated towards strengthening bonds between parents, children and other important members of the society. Thus, events play a pivotal role bringing everyone together to have a time of fun and learning at workshops, support groups etc.

Engagement Style

Engagement Style

We are committed towards engaging deeply with our partners. This includes a careful study of the child’s medical history, social environment,family setting, routines and other factors while determining the custom goals for the child. It is followed by thorough monitoring and evaluation. We continually work alongside you and celebrate each success with you.

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